

Since I completed the front-end development section of Free Code Camp and I feel that I have a good grasp of javascript, I decided to learn React.js. FCC does not have a React section yet (apparently they do in their beta curriculum that I plan to check out) so I had to go elsewhere.

I read the Quick Start section of the React docs and it put me to sleep. I completed the two courses Codecademy offers and they made things much clearer but they are still working on part three.

After consulting “almighty” Google, I was put on to React Training and signed up. So far I am liking their overall teaching style. I ran into some snags though, first the follow along video in the “Setting up your first React component…” section moved to fast for my taste. It was frustrating to have to stop and start and try to “rewind” to make sure I was setting up everything up correctly.

Also, the instructor dove right in without explaining that my set up may not be like his set up, which I know is a given, but he failed to explain how I could either set it up the same way or accomplish what he was doing in the terminal and Sublime Text. Now I like a challenge, and I know how to find answers, so I was able to figure out what needed to be done on my end and complete the section, it was just an annoying distraction.

Other than that, it seems to be a good quality course. I am going to do a cli refresher before I start the next section though. I remembered some stuff but I am definitely rusty.