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I have now completed the React Fundamentals course from React Training. I liked it and learned a lot. The instructor, Tyler Mcginnis, did a good job of explaining what he was doing and why. I felt like I was drinking from a water hose at times but I was able to wrap my head around the material.

So now I am working on projects to solidify what I learned. I am starting with a to do app that I will then incorporate into a family organizer for my kids to use as they homeschool. My wife uses a paper checklist that she prints every week but the kids have iPads so I figured I could digitize it and practice my React skills.

I also did CLI and Git refreshers on Codecademy and the guide on Github. So the projects will be stored there as repos that I will link to when they are done. I am satisfied so far with my progress but I need to be more disciplined and put in more time. Just so much going on right now, it is a little hard to focus. Look for those projects soon though.

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